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Text File | 1993-04-12 | 28.3 KB | 588 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#172/12-Apr-93
- =====================
- We present a PowerBook-heavy issue this week, with a look back at
- the real story behind the PowerBook 100 and a hopefully-
- instructive investigation of a weird Duo troubleshooting
- problem. We also have an announcement of a new virus, a bit on
- Macintosh Easy Open (which eases opening foreign file types) in
- MacLinkPlus, and finally, a review of CMaster, Jersey
- Scientific's extension to Symantec's THINK C.
- This issue of TidBITS sponsored in part by:
- * Dantz Development -- 510/849-0293 -- dantz@applelink.apple.com
- For Retrospect 2.0 upgrades, call 800/225-4880.
- For an index of files on Dantz Development and their products,
- please send email to <sponsors@tidbits.com>. To receive all
- this information in one 73K file, please send email to
- <dantz-all@tidbits.com>. To receive a 29K compressed version of
- the same file, please send email to <dantz-comp@tidbits.com>.
- Copyright 1990-1993 Adam & Tonya Engst. Non-profit, non-commercial
- publications may reprint articles if full credit is given. Other
- publications please contact us. We do not guarantee the accuracy
- of articles. Caveat lector. Publication, product, and company
- names may be registered trademarks of their companies. Disk
- subscriptions and back issues are available - email for details.
- For information send email to info@tidbits.com or ace@tidbits.com
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- AOL: Adam Engst -- Delphi: Adam_Engst -- BIX: TidBITS
- TidBITS -- 9301 Avondale Rd. NE Q1096 -- Redmond, WA 98052 USA
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/12-Apr-93
- New INIT 17 Virus Busted
- PowerBook Panegyric
- Double the Trouble?
- CMaster Review
- Reviews/12-Apr-93
- [Archived as /info-mac/digest/tb/tidbits-172.etx; 29K]
- MailBITS/12-Apr-93
- ------------------
- We'd like to welcome our latest sponsor, Dantz Development, makers
- of some of the best backup software anywhere, including DiskFit
- Direct, DiskFit Pro (which I currently use), Retrospect 2.0 (which
- I intend to use once I have a DAT drive), and Retrospect Remote.
- We have several files from Dantz that I think you'll find
- interesting and useful, ranging from product data sheets to
- information about compatible tape drives to a white paper entitled
- "Workbook Backup - A Workbook for Macintosh Administrators" that
- will help you figure out the details of backing up a network. If
- you want a 73K file containing all of this information, send email
- to <dantz-all@tidbits.com>. If you want the same file in
- compressed form along with an Easy View index (29K - StuffIt 3.0
- format), send email to <dantz-comp@tidbits.com>. If you want
- individual files, send email to <sponsors@tidbits.com> for an
- index of available files.
- Dantz has another white paper called "Backup - Personal Computing
- Insurance" that I couldn't translate to straight ASCII. It
- discusses different backup philosophies, different types of backup
- devices, and the like. Dantz will send it to you at no charge if
- you email them your snail mail address. Thanks, and I'm sure Dantz
- will be happy to hear any feedback about the files or their
- products.
- Dantz Development -- dantz@applelink.apple.com
- **Performa Mail** -- Bill Waits, who provided us with some of the
- information we used in last week's bit about new Performas, asks
- that people please stop requesting more information, especially
- about the Performa 430 and the modems, about which he has no
- information. It's not as though these Performas are interesting.
- They are exactly the same as comparable Mac LC IIs and LC IIIs,
- except they cost more and you buy them at Sears. In addition, I'm
- hearing of problems with installing System 7.1 over System 7.0.1P
- or 7.1P on the Performa 450 and 600. Apparently the enablers won't
- cooperate.
- **Macintosh Easy Open**, an extension from Apple which allows you
- to substitute eligible applications to open files created by
- applications you don't have, is now available with MacLinkPlus.
- The extension replaces the standard "application not found" dialog
- with a larger one that lists programs that can open the file and
- can optionally remember your preference so that it uses that
- program automatically. Other benefits include more specific file
- descriptions in the Finder's "Kind" field and color icons in Open
- and Save dialog boxes. DataViz -- 800/733-0030 -- 203/268-0030 --
- 203/268-4345 (fax) By Ross Scott Rubin <72137.2627@compuserve.com>
- New INIT 17 Virus Busted
- ------------------------
- by Mark H. Anbinder, Contributing Editor -- mha@baka.ithaca.ny.us
- Technical Support Coordinator, BAKA Computers
- In a joint bulletin released today by Gene Spafford of Purdue
- University, the various Macintosh antiviral developers announced
- the discovery of a new virus earlier along with new utility
- versions to combat it.
- The new virus, dubbed INIT 17, infects the System file and most
- applications as they run, and is likely to spread quickly once a
- machine is exposed to the virus. The virus infects programs by
- modifying existing code, which can in some cases cause irreparable
- damage to the applications or the System file. On some low-end
- Macs (such as the Plus, SE, and Classic) the virus can cause the
- computer to crash while executing infected applications.
- The only overt action by the virus is to display an alert message
- saying "From the depths of Cyberspace" the first time you restart
- an infected machine after 6:06:06 PM, 31-Oct-93.
- Users of Chris Johnson's freeware Gatekeeper package will be
- pleased to note that the current version, 1.2.7, catches INIT 17
- already, so they need not update. John Norstad has released
- version 3.1 of his free Disinfectant utility. Jeff Shulman says
- registered owners of his shareware Virus Detective package will
- receive search strings in the mail (a good reason to register your
- copy!). All commercial antiviral publishers are sending updates to
- their subscribers and mailing notifications to registered users;
- contact the publisher of your utility for further information.
- Information from:
- Gene Spafford -- spaf@cs.purdue.edu
- PowerBook Panegyric
- -------------------
- Definition: PowerBook 100 - a terribly nice Macintosh sometimes
- mistaken for a low-end, powerless laptop.
- What happened to the PowerBook 100? It came out in September 1991
- at an unaffordable price. About one year later, Apple discontinued
- it and sold it at fire sale prices. Why such a short lifetime? It
- wasn't like the 140, which Apple realized could support a faster
- processor, and it wasn't like the Mac Portable, which died of
- obesity. In talking to people in the know, I've pieced together
- this story; consider it an eulogy to the PowerBook 100, a pleasant
- machine with only a few problems, a machine on which I type at
- this moment.
- Apple wasn't the only player in the PowerBook 100 development,
- because although Apple designed most of the PowerBook 100,
- consumer electronics giant Sony was slated to do the
- manufacturing. Apple wanted to work with Sony in part because Sony
- excels at inexpensive manufacturing, and in part because the
- collaboration was well-received in both the U.S. and Japan, a
- market in which Apple does well and wants to do better.
- But then Sony discovered it couldn't make the PowerBook 100 as
- cheaply as it had estimated and in fact, the cost would be
- approximately double early estimates. Apple realized early on that
- the price would be unacceptable, but the public relations coup of
- the Apple/Sony collaboration was more important. Apple decided to
- manufacture a relatively small quantity of PowerBook 100s. As
- consumers purchased the PowerBook 100 in the fall of 1991, Apple
- placed the final orders. Those final units rolled off the
- production line in late June of 1992, completing the installed
- base of over 100,000 PowerBook 100s.
- As to the rumors that Sony might bring it back, no more PowerBook
- 100s have been manufactured since, and given the cost, I doubt any
- more will be, especially given that the Duos fit many of the same
- niches. Those of us who want a serial port, a power plug, and no
- floppy drive (I've hooked ours up maybe five times in six months)
- will stick with a Duo for future purchases. Sources indicate that
- we will never see a PowerBook 100 again in the U.S., but
- apparently there is a chance that something resembling the
- PowerBook 100 might appear elsewhere.
- The PowerBook 100 had a short life, and Apple had no chance to
- correct its few problems, as it did with the 140 and the 170.
- Perhaps the worst problem is the mediocre trackball. It's small,
- and because of the plastic posts on which it rests, occasionally
- hard to move accurately and smoothly. Some of that can be
- alleviated by moving the left blue roller further down, and the
- bottom blue roller further right. The idea is to lessen the
- pressure on the ball so it rolls more smoothly. Some people have
- also had luck roughing the ball's surface slightly with cleaning
- powder - don't use heavy duty sandpaper.
- Apple is known for its well-crafted prototypes, and it turns out
- that the PowerBook team made about thirty PowerBook 100s with
- modified trackball mechanisms from Logitech. These modified
- mechanisms use the same ruby bearings that the Duos use, and as a
- result they feel much smoother. Evidently Apple used the "Pepsi &
- Doritos" test, wherein they mixed up a slurry of Pepsi and Doritos
- and poured it into the trackball before testing it. The jeweled
- bearing trackballs passed with flying colors. A few lucky souls
- have these jeweled mechanisms, but unless someone can convince
- Logitech that the existing base of PowerBook 100 owners is a large
- enough market, the rest of us will have to suffer with the
- standard trackball. However, if a new version of the PowerBook 100
- does appear outside of the U.S., U.S. users would almost certainly
- see jeweled trackballs become available, and they might even make
- their way into repair stock.
- The only other problem the PowerBook 100 might have been accused
- of was lack of speed. The 100's peppy 16 MHz 68000 destroys the 8
- MHz 68000 in my Classic, but it is no match for the 68030 chips in
- the other PowerBooks. For basic word processing, which is probably
- the primary use of the 100, I doubt most people notice. I don't.
- But what if, in an alternate universe, the PowerBook 100 had a
- 68030? You'd only have to go to Cupertino to find that alternate
- universe, because Apple made at least two 68030 prototypes. The
- prototypes imply that the ROMs can handle a 68030 chip, which
- helps verify a recently-rumored third-party 68030 upgrade for the
- 100. Of course, the limited market of the 100 may curtail such
- plans, but what would you pay for a 68030 upgrade? I'm happy
- enough with our PowerBook 100 that the upgrade would have to be
- cheap, and from what I've heard, many other 100 owners feel the
- same way. Any new version of the PowerBook 100 will use a 68030
- chip in place of the slower 68000, if only because the 68030 is
- cheaper now.
- The most memorable feature of the PowerBook 100 must be its glory
- days in the bargain basement. When Apple dropped the prices to
- clear stock, the PowerBooks flew out of Price Clubs and dealers
- alike. No one had seen a computer sell like that, which shows that
- if you price something like a PowerBook right, you'll have to beat
- the buyers away with a stick. It appears the 100's legacy will be
- this method of cleaning out old machines to judge from the way
- Apple discontinued the IIsi and dramatically lowered IIsi prices.
- I think it's a great move on Apple's part, and I hope they keep it
- up. Those fire sale prices allow people to buy a Mac who, for one
- reason or another, probably never would have bought one then
- otherwise. On that basis alone, the PowerBook 100 was a smashing
- success, and as I type on our sub-$1000 8 MB/20 MB PowerBook 100,
- I see nothing but that success.
- Information from:
- Pythaeus
- Double the Trouble?
- -------------------
- A friend had problems with his Duo 210 recently, and I thought a
- brief exposition of how we solved them might prove useful to Duo
- users and anyone who does trouble-shooting. Bill has a Duo 210 and
- a Duo Dock, although no monitor at the time. He could to print to
- his serial DeskWriter, but printing to a PostScript LaserWriter or
- to a PostScript file (with or without background printing on and
- from almost any application) caused his Duo to hang. However, when
- he printed from PageMaker using the Aldus driver, it worked fine.
- He tried the standard procedures, booting without extensions,
- replacing the LaserWriter driver, and even reformatting his drive
- (getting more space by repartitioning in the process) and
- reinstalling the System and his applications from scratch. Nothing
- worked. After he had an Apple Express Modem installed, his serial
- DeskWriter acted up as well, but we solved that by installing the
- DeskWriter 3.1 driver and fiddling with the many Control panels
- that control the port mapping.
- Finally he brought his Duo, Dock, and DeskWriter over here so we
- could test on my network and use my 13" monitor with the Dock.
- Three problems arose quickly, and all the problems occurred
- whether or not the Duo was docked. First, the DeskWriter in
- AppleTalk mode hung halfway through printing if extensions were
- on. Second, when I tried to copy Conflict Catcher from my hard
- drive over the network to the Duo, I received failures with error
- #-37. Third, printing to my QMS-PS 410 PostScript laser printer
- caused a hang after the first "starting job" message.
- Running Conflict Catcher in Conflict Test mode identified the
- elderly SNDPatch extension as the culprit for the DeskWriter
- printing problem. One down, and a win for Conflict Catcher since
- Bill had a slew of extensions that would have taken hours to test.
- We then spent an hour trying to figure out why the Conflict
- Catcher files wouldn't copy, and eventually chalked it up to
- network daemons when we realized all other files copied fine. We
- finally ended up copying the Conflict Catcher files in an archive,
- and CopyDoubler author Dave Heller of Fifth Generation Systems
- told me several days later that the problem stemmed from the fact
- that those two filenames started with an ASCII 0 character to make
- them sort first. Apparently, an ASCII 0 character first in a
- filename confuses network copying to no end. On to the printing
- problem, which was the main one anyway.
- Booting without extensions made no difference, and neither docking
- the Duo nor using the LaserWriter 7.2 driver was any more
- encouraging. Finally, we laboriously modified a copy of the Disk
- Tools disk so we could boot from floppy and print. You need a
- System, Finder, Duo Enabler, and Chooser in addition to
- LaserWriter, and there is barely enough disk space. When we booted
- from that disk, the QMS came to life and printed correctly.
- Replacing the System and the Finder with the versions on the
- floppy made no difference, so we copied the entire boot floppy's
- System Folder to the hard drive and blessed it in favor of the old
- System Folder. That worked, which isolated the problem to the old
- System Folder. We gradually moved folders over to the new System
- Folder (testing as we went) and it worked fine until we moved the
- Fonts folder (remember, this is a Duo, so 7.1 is necessary). Aha,
- a corrupted font! I hadn't thought to check Bill's fonts since I'm
- not used to System 7.1 and the System file hadn't been the
- problem, but it turned out that he had a herd (or maybe fonts come
- in gaggles or troops?) of public domain TrueType fonts.
- At first we thought it might be related to the fact that he had
- some fonts loose and others in suitcases. Bill had heard that
- loose fonts can cause troubles, but packing his loose ones in a
- suitcase didn't help, and it ended up being a matter of testing
- each font, one at a time. Too bad Conflict Catcher doesn't help
- with fonts. Bill isolated the rogue font to be London, edging out
- the one we suspected on principle, Nixon in China.
- The curious part is that we were easily sidetracked because of
- unrelated problems that seemed to point to AppleTalk and the
- LaserWriter driver. The fonts were also disguised by the fact that
- he had printed all them, including the corrupted one, via the
- serial driver for his DeskWriter. Yet, somehow the LaserWriter
- driver looked at all fonts, even those not used, and crashed when
- it hit the corrupted one.
- There are three morals to the story. First, the Duo can be a
- mega-pain to troubleshoot if you don't have a floppy drive and an
- appropriate dock, although booting from a stripped RAM disk should
- have had the same effect and I'm still kicking myself for not
- having suggested that earlier. Second, corrupted fonts can cause
- seemingly unrelated problems, which I also should have considered,
- and if you don't do a clean install, those fonts exist in a new
- System as well. Third, in many trouble-shooting situations,
- booting from a clean system disk like Disk Tools can crack open a
- problem.
- Incidentally, Tonya and I were talking about ways switching among
- multiple Systems, and we thought of a simple way of un-blessing
- (cursing?) a System Folder. In the System Folder, create a self-
- extracting archive of the Finder, and when you want to un-bless
- the System Folder, throw out the Finder. When you want to bless
- that System Folder again, expand the self-extracting archive
- (which will stick around for the next use), close the folder, and
- open it again so the active Finder realizes what you've done. It's
- generally a bad idea to have two potentially-active System Folders
- on the same disk, and this provides a low-tech way to switch
- systems without a switching utility.
- CMaster Review
- --------------
- by Andrew Johnston -- 71101.556@compuserve.com
- President, Johnston/Johnston Consulting, Macintosh Developer
- Jersey Scientific's CMaster is an extension for Symantec's THINK C
- that is 90 percent enhancements to THINK C's rather austere
- editor, and 10 percent enhancements to THINK C's project
- environment. THINK C's editor has always been ripe for
- improvement, and CMaster provides a useful set of tools that
- either adds new functionality or improves access to existing
- features through an iconic palette.
- CMaster is compatible with THINK C 4.0.x or newer and System 6.0.5
- and newer, although some features require THINK C 5.0.x. I used
- CMaster version 1.0.9 on both a Mac IIcx with a 25 MHz Radius
- Rocket 040 accelerator and on a PowerBook 170, both under System
- 7.1.
- CMaster patches itself into THINK C and intercepts several THINK C
- routines including GetNextEvent, which lets CMaster intercept many
- events before THINK C sees them. CMaster does this well, and this
- arrangement caused no crashes. CMaster loads when you open a THINK
- C project and uses around 77K of THINK C's application heap. You
- can disable CMaster by holding down the option key when opening a
- project file.
- What it does
- On the left side of each editor window, CMaster icons provide
- navigation aids, searching, block commenting, multiple clipboards,
- general placemarkers, a function prototype generator, a function
- navigator, a pop-up function name menu, and a header file pop-up
- menu. In addition, CMaster has a slew of keyboard-only commands
- that join lines, split lines, etc. You can tie almost every
- CMaster action to a user-defined keyboard command, and you can
- modify CMaster's palette.
- Several tools duplicate built-in THINK C features (e.g. markers
- and the headers files pop-up menus), but they seem to simplify
- access. However, CMaster uses its own parsing routines to
- determine the placement of the function markers that allow CMaster
- to update the function marker list when you type in a new function
- definition. No more running your source code through a "marker"
- application or explicitly marking functions within THINK C.
- CMaster also allows the use of the "#pragma mark xxx" syntax to
- insert custom non-function header markers into source code.
- The more-interesting editor tools include multiple clipboards and
- multiple placemarkers. Up to four clipboards can be active at a
- time - each with both a global and local clipboard attached. You
- can optionally set up clipboards to use a push down stack that
- will hold multiple clipboard contents in a First-In-First-Out
- (FIF0) stack. CMaster also has up to four temporary placemarkers
- that temporarily mark a place holder in the current source file
- without being recorded in the resource fork for later use.
- Placemarkers show the line marked plus a few surrounding lines in
- a mini-window if you click in the lower half of the place marker
- icon. This is useful when you need to reference another function
- (or code segment) in the same file because it eliminates jumping
- back and forth and reduces the need for split windows in the THINK
- C editor.
- Although the bulk of CMaster's functions are editor-related, I
- most appreciated the other functions. THINK C 5.0.x can take
- advantage of source code control information from Apple's MPW
- Projector tool. This was a great step forward for those of us who
- use both THINK C and MPW. I don't know how many times I was using
- MPW Projector for source code control and inadvertently changed
- the source using THINK C. CMaster has two window preferences
- settings that help out - "Make files outside project read-only"
- and "Make locked files read-only." Both options make the files
- appear to be Projector read-only files, which helps prevent stupid
- mistakes like accidentally changing a source file in the wrong
- environment. I find this especially helpful when working with the
- THINK Class Library (TCL), an ungodly amount of source code that
- I'm constantly looking at via the editor. These files are
- unprotected from inadvertent changes, the slightest of which can
- be next to impossible to locate and will render your application
- worthless. Also, the "Make locked files read-only" option protects
- you from trying to change a source file only to find out on saving
- that the file was locked. Don't laugh - it happens!
- The "Open Project Resource File Warning" can also save you time.
- It warns you when you try to build or run a THINK project with the
- resource file still open in a resource editor. Normally THINK C
- would build or run the application without loading any resources,
- most likely resulting in a bus error when the application runs.
- Problems
- The only flaky behavior I discovered was in the "Show Preceding
- Comments" option. This feature displays at the top of the window
- any comments directly before a function definition (and therefore
- its marker) when you select the marker for the function and scroll
- the window to show the function. This works well if there actually
- are comments before the function; however, if the comments sit
- between the function definition and the opening curly bracket,
- CMaster places the function definition line just out of view.
- Jersey Scientific indicated that they would fix the problem in the
- next update. Most people will find this feature useful since
- comment headers describing functions are commonly placed
- immediately preceding the function, and in fact, Symantec
- commented the TCL this way.
- Improvements
- I asked if Jersey Scientific might add the capability to search
- MPW 411 style help files, which are generic text-only kind of open
- format help files so users can create their own help files. This
- kind of 411-lookup feature would provide some way to access custom
- help from within the THINK environment. Jersey Scientific
- mentioned that they were hard at work on a major upgrade of
- CMaster, but they don't think it will be ready to ship until later
- this year. (They noted that this is NOT an announcement, but
- rather that they were working on a new set of features that they
- hope will be CMaster 2.0.) This new version may have a feature
- that would let users write their own extensions to CMaster that
- would support MPW 411 files. Interesting thought - an extension to
- an extension of THINK C!
- CMaster could take better advantage of color. Jersey Scientific is
- aware of this deficiency and discussions with them indicate that
- the next release will better support color. I would particularly
- like to see CMaster use color styles for functions, keywords, and
- comments. This can greatly increase the readability of source
- code, and although it would add significantly to CMaster's parsing
- responsibilities, high-end development tools like ACIUS
- ObjectMaster already have such capabilities.
- Overall
- This is not a complete discussion of CMaster's every feature. I
- only mentioned the main ones and those that I found particularly
- interesting. Almost all the features have some kind of option key
- variant that makes them more useful than it seems at first glance.
- Jersey Scientific responded quickly to email queries and even
- answered their tech support line. They post CMaster updates in the
- THINK C file section on CompuServe, and from there to sumex-
- aim.stanford.edu for anonymous FTP. Jersey Scientific prefers that
- you use the CompuServe address if possible, especially from the
- Internet.
- Is CMaster worth $69.95, or about a third of THINK C's street
- price? It significantly enhances the THINK C environment in ways
- that will probably save you time and aggravation. If you use THINK
- C on a weekly basis, CMaster is necessary. If you use THINK C
- daily you will save yourself $69.95 worth of your time in the
- first week.
- The real question is how much, if any, of this functionality will
- be included in THINK C 6.0, which is rumored for release this
- spring (MacWEEK 15-Feb-93). Jersey Scientific cannot, for non-
- disclosure reasons, say anything about even the existence of THINK
- C 6.0, much less its features. Jersey Scientific did say that they
- will do their best to release a compatible version as soon as
- possible after Symantec ships a major upgrade to THINK C. This
- will most likely be version 1.2, and will resemble 1.0.9 in terms
- of features, although it will drop support for THINK C 4.x (THINK
- C 5.x and 6.x will be supported). New users can expect the price
- of CMaster to increase with version 1.2, but upgrades will be
- provided at nominal cost.
- CMaster -- $69.95
- Jersey Scientific, Inc.
- 545 Eighth Avenue
- New York, NY 10018
- 212/736-0406
- 212/947-4981 (fax)
- 70400.3361@compuserve.com
- AppleLink: jersci
- Reviews/12-Apr-93
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK -- 05-Apr-93, Vol. 7, #14
- SpreadBase 1.01 -- pg. 47
- Turbo 3D 5.0.3 -- pg. 47
- Multi-Ad Creator 3.5.2 -- pg. 54
- PowerLink Presentor -- pg. 54
- * MacUser -- May-93
- LaserWriter Pro 630 -- pg. 50
- RocketShare -- pg. 52
- Transparent Compression Utilities -- pg. 57
- AutoDoubler
- SpaceSaver
- More Disk Space
- artWORKS -- pg. 62
- OrgChart Express -- pg. 63
- Passport Producer -- pg. 71
- PowerDraw 4.0 -- pg. 75
- Public Utilities -- pg. 81
- Spiral -- pg. 87
- Guaranteed Undelete -- pg. 87
- Who Killed Sam Rupert? -- pg. 87
- SpeedyCD -- pg. 88
- Spectator -- pg. 89
- Color Flatbed Scanners -- pg. 106
- (too many to list)
- Two-Page Color Monitors -- pg. 128
- (too many to list)
- Continuous-Tone Printers -- pg. 150
- (too many to list)
- Network Monitoring Programs -- pg. 191
- Mac-to-Mac NetWORKS 2.0
- Net Watchman 1.3
- Network Vital Signs 1.01
- PowerBook-to-PC Connectivity Products -- pg. 203
- Laptop Liberator 2.0
- PowerBook/DOS Companion
- Education packages -- pg. 215
- Alphabet Blocks
- Reader Rabbit 2
- Stickybear's Reading Room
- Word Tales
- ..
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